I guess... just the crazy rantings of a young Aussie...
getting wiser.
Published on February 18, 2004 By Vampire Princess In Misc
Well, not exactly... It's because I've got another wisdom tooth coming through. I really don't have anything to talk about today. Could make something up, but that somewhat defeats the purpose.

Gah, I need more money. I just spent almost all of my pay in the space of about two hours. *Sigh* I know, I'm bad. I can't help it. I like expensive things. And I think perhaps that I shall have to get myself a sugar daddy to support my expensive taste. An attractive sugar daddy, mind you. He can pay to make my movie.

But who am I kidding. It isn't going to happen, is it [the sugar daddy bit, that is - the movie will be made regardless]. Maybe I'll meet a young billionaire and he'll fall hopelessly in love with me? My, my, I do have an active imagination. And I sound serverely shallow. But really, is it my fault I have expensive taste?
on Feb 18, 2004
You should contact Sir Peter Maxwell, he is the richest man on the site and apparently is single.
on Feb 18, 2004
I hear ya on the wisdom tooth bit.. A few weeks ago I had wisdom tooth coming through, and i swear it was horrible.. I've had kids, I know the pain of childbirth, but i swear I'd rather have that than that dammn toothache.. I am the kind if person who does not even take tylenol for headaches or anything, but I popped shit left and right. Hubby brought me home a percocet he got from one of his coworkers.. just a hint to people out there, if u dont take regular pills, please don't take percocets.. Not only did it not relieve my pain, but made me dizzy, nauseous, and kept me awake half the night.. Just the thing I need when I have to get up at 7 to get my 6 year old off to school and then take care of the baby.. But, i'm rambling.. Toothaches are a biatch, especially wisom teeth ones.. And the funny p[art is that when the toothache went away, about w eek later, I noticed the wisdom tooth on the opposite side of my mouth came out.. what the??? all that pain and this other tooth comes out? lol..
on Feb 18, 2004
Experience is the ability to see that you've made a mistake after it's already to late to fix it.

Knowledge is the capacity of information that you can ignore to reach a wholly illogical decision based entirely on emotions.

If Experience + Knowledge=Wisdom, then wisdom is merely...

The ability to recognise errors in judgement caused by ignoring all relevant information after it's too late to do anything about it.

So if that's wisdom, no wonder we keep it in our teeth, right? And should it be any wonder that we want to take it out?

on Feb 18, 2004
DRmami, the reason that you probably had pain on the other side is because most people don't actually have enough room in their mouth for their wisdom teeth. So, you teeth had to shift to make room, which caused pain on the other side.

Wisdom teeth can become impacted, too, and cause a lot of pain. It's best to have a dentist check to make sure that the teeth won't have any problems.

My wisdom teeth started to show up when I was 15, right after I got done with braces. Luckily, I got in to see an oral surgeon in time and had all 4 removed before they could mess up my teeth. After a few years of braces, I really didn't want to start over.

The biggest clue that they were coming in was the headache, though. The never ending headache. Hope you get over the pain soon.
on Feb 18, 2004
JEPEL -- Yes, but apparently uninterested in anyone that he can't order in a catalogue...
on Feb 21, 2004
There's something to be said for catalog orders
