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The dreams of a Vampire Princess
I guess... just the crazy rantings of a young Aussie...
I think I'm addicted to eBay
~the buying of 'things'~
Published on February 25, 2004 By
Vampire Princess
I am addicted to eBay. Well, probably not addicted in the truest sense of the word - I do have some control over myself. But I just keep spending money that could be otherwise saved towards a car or a better computer [although, neither of which I'm overly fussed about right now].
Everyone around me is constantly telling me that I have a spending problem. I don't think I really have a problem, per se. I think it's more a case that I don't pay attention to my spending. I enjoy buying things. That's pretty much all there is to it. And it isn't like I don't use the things I buy. I have played every single CD that I own, worn every item of clothing I've ever bought at least once, and the same goes for all of my shoes. I've worn every single piece of jewellery that I own as well. So it can't be classified as wasting money, can it?
I'm going to go and put a digital camera on layby today and yes, I'm going to use that too. It's a Polaroid 3.3 megapixel digital camera and it looks pretty. Or, as pretty as something that is predominantly silver in colour can be. And I'm still waiting for my video camera to arrive. I tell you, if I was in charge of the postal service, things would change DRAMATICALLY!
The thing that's going to be eating my money is my birthday party in May. The deal is that if I want the party my way, then I pay for it. I figure, that's fair enough. Better than sitting around sipping soda pop and talking quietly with a few close friends. No, with the advent of being allowed to legally buy my own alcohol, I plan to milk my eighteenth birthday for all it's worth. May the cocktails flow! I plan to Pina Colada the night away, and then go out club-hopping with whoever else is old enough to get into the clubs.
BUT, I am going to have an absolutely GORGEOUS dress to wear. It's red, it's hot, and it's going to get me the guy that I am currently hot on. I will take plenty of piccies and maybe even post them here
It's going to be themed costume [like all of my parties] and the theme is "S". I am coming as a "Screen Siren" -- old school charm. A string of pearls, elbow-length gloves, corset underneath the gorgeous dress, cute little kitten-heels. It's going to be fabulous!!
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I think I'm addicted to eBay
on Feb 25, 2004
umm... the party sounds great... kinda makes me wish that i was the dude in question...
but spending money that you think in the back of your mind that you should be saving IS wasting money, even if you use all the things that you spend the money on. Managing money is a funny thing, and it's something that people learn at all different ages in life. The key I think is to learn that lesson as early on in life as possible. It's much easier that way.
If you can get your hands on a book called "The Richest Man in Babylon" and read it, that'll change the way you think about money.
but in case you don't read it, here's a couple quick tips.
Rule # 1 - live within your means. This means that if you make 1500 dollars per month, you should spend less than that each month. If you have a credit card with a 1000 dollar limit, and you spend your 1500 dollar income plus charge 300 bucks on the credit card, you're not living within your means.
Rule # 2 - save at least 10% of your income each month and invest it wisely. This means that if you make 1500 dollars per month, you should be saving at least 150 dollars of that. Saving means putting it somewhere that you can't get to it, and won't spend it.
Rule # 3 - Pay yourself first. If you get paychecks twice a month for 750 dollars each, decide how much of that money you're going to pay to yourself. ie. "i'm going to allow myself to spend 175 dollars for these two weeks on whatever i want"... put the rest of the money towards paying off your debts.
Rule #4 - Own a home instead of renting.
Rule #5 - Get yourself out of debt if you're in it. Write out a budget that supports Rule #1 and stick to it. "Paying yourself first" will make this easier. It may take 3 or 4 years to get out of debt, but once you get there, you'll feel like a million bucks.
There are a lot more little guidelines that apply, but those are the top 5. I'm sure other people will chime in too, but that's a good place to start. I can speak intelligently about this, because i've had to learn all of these lessons the hard way. I used to be a real fool with my money, and now i'm on the 3 year plan to climb out of debt.
You prob'ly weren't looking for this kind of response, but take heed to my words... I promise that you'll be glad you did...
on May 18, 2005
I'm currently preparing an article related to "Women's addiction to ebay" for the French magazine Madame Figaro (selled with number 2 French daily "Le Figaro").
It would be great if you could answer to some questions:
- How did you manage to "fall in love" with Ebay (how did it happen?)
- What was your first purchase?
- How did you discover you're addicted?
- How do you explain your addiction (why: gambling? saving money? making friends?)
- Have you any idea about how many money you spend on Ebay? When do you go purchasing (how many times a day...)?
- How do your family/freidns react?
Anne-Sophie Bourdet : galliane2@aol.com
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