So, due to hating me, or just being plain retarded, my previous blog host has decided not to let me log in anymore. Ha! Well sod them, I say. I was with them for the better part of four months, and this is how they repay me? I feel so unloved.
This could lead to future abandonment issues... [yeah, sure]
Anyhoodles, basically, I started doing this as a way to chronicle my life after graduation (November 21st last year) and see if I do utterly fowl it up like some people seem to think I shall. Oh, there's also a fair bit of ranting about my GIGANTIC lust-crush on Ted. If you really wnt to know about that epic story, click
here -- it's all there... Not terribly interesting because I haven't really pursued it yet, but it's there nonetheless.
I also have this tendency towards taking a lot of quizzes when I get bored and posting the reults on my blog. So beware of that too.
Well, think that's it for now...
-Vampire Princess
"It's seductive, isn't it... fear."