I guess... just the crazy rantings of a young Aussie...
a blog refugee tells all
Published on February 15, 2004 By Vampire Princess In Welcome
So, due to hating me, or just being plain retarded, my previous blog host has decided not to let me log in anymore. Ha! Well sod them, I say. I was with them for the better part of four months, and this is how they repay me? I feel so unloved.

This could lead to future abandonment issues... [yeah, sure]

Anyhoodles, basically, I started doing this as a way to chronicle my life after graduation (November 21st last year) and see if I do utterly fowl it up like some people seem to think I shall. Oh, there's also a fair bit of ranting about my GIGANTIC lust-crush on Ted. If you really wnt to know about that epic story, click here -- it's all there... Not terribly interesting because I haven't really pursued it yet, but it's there nonetheless.

I also have this tendency towards taking a lot of quizzes when I get bored and posting the reults on my blog. So beware of that too.

Well, think that's it for now...
-Vampire Princess

"It's seductive, isn't it... fear."
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